Saturday, March 19, 2011

I made it to 19.2 lbs lost.  I think that's pretty good for two months.  I'm still behind some other people in Biggest Loser, but let's see where we all are a year from now.....

I started having dizzy spells on Thursday.  I am sure I'm eating enough, and I am eating very healthy.  Healthier than I have ever eaten before in my life.  Yesterday, I was at my sister's house, and I had a dizzy spell that was bad enough to be noticable.  My mom and grandmother are already convinced I'm starving myself.  They were there yesterday armed with two packages of cookies, and they ordered pizza.  I was amazed at how not tempted I felt.  I even went grocery shopping, walked right down the junk food aisle, and was almost to the end of the aisle before it even registered what aisle I was in.

By the time I got home my dizziness had become a migrane.  It was almost 80 degrees yesterday.  I had been looking forward to it all week long.  But, by the time I got back from my sister's house I pretty much had a migrane.  I went to bed early - 7:30 ish I think - and around 9:30 my step-mother called.  Suffice it to say my dad is not doing well at all.  When he gets out of the hospital this time, my step-mother thinks they're going to have to call in hospice.  Of course that means that they're finally admitting that this is the end.  No more treatment.  I don't know if my dad is really there yet, but my poor step-mother and sisters really can't keep taking care of him without help.

After I spoke to my step-mother, I was wide awake, and I was very determined that I was going to go to Food Kitty to get some chocolate ice cream.  I decided I would lay on the sofa, watch Harry Potter, and eat the whole damn container.  Here's how addle minded I was last night - the reason I didn't do it......  wait for it......  I couldn't find my bike helmet.  The keys to my fully functioning car were right beside the front door.  But, I couldn't find my bike helmet.  Therefore, I couldn't go anywhere.

It is still nice out today, and I did go out for a bike ride.  I rode my bike to OA, to the bikeshop, back home for lunch, then to work.  I will ride it home when I get off at 8:00 pm.  I still have a headache though, and I don't know what's causing it.  I hope it's not the backlight on my Droidpad.

Friday I had no strength at the gym - I mean zippity doo-dah.  I just couldn't do it.  My muscles and joints were really hurting.  That should have been my first clue that a migrane was coming.  This morning, my computer decided it hates me, and I spent up until time to go to OA on the phone arguing with Dell.  Let me tell you nothing makes me want to eat compulsively like being angry.

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