Tuesday, March 8, 2011

This Amused Me

In my job, we do safety plans with all of our clients - how to stay safe in an unsafe situation.  So, I shared at my last OA meeting that I am definitely going to Florida to see my dad, and my sponsor said, "So, we need to create a safety plan for you..."  Just hearing the words "safety plan" used in that context really amused me.  Although, it is an appropriate use of the term.  For me, a compulsive overeater and sugar addict, going to my dad's house is an unsafe situation.  So, step one in my safety plan was to alert my step-mother that I am on a fairly strict diet, and that I'll have to cook for myself while I'm down there.  And that I'll probably have to go grocery shopping almost immediately when I get there.  I'll be carrying lunch, dinner, and a snack with me when I travel, but I still have to eat the next day.  As much as possible, I'd like to keep to my normal schedule of:  Get up, go to the gym, come home, cook breakfast, lunch, and dinner all in one shot.  It makes for a hectic morning, but it makes the rest of my day soooo much easier.  It makes eating on a schedule so so so much easier.  When, it's time to eat, I just pop my plastic container in the microwave and eat.  All of my meals are carefully planned and measured out - sometimes days in advance.  I know exactly what I am going to eat - and how much of it I'm going to eat - for every meal from now until payday.

Something else that amuses me is that the local chapter of OA meets at my step-mother's church.  I could almost walk or ride a bike there.  My sponsor said there is a number I can call, and if need be, they will come and pick me up to take me to meetings.  I'm trying to decide between a gym membership and a bike while I'm down there.  The gym membership is more cost effective - and ultimately - a better calorie burn.  But, the last two times I've been down there, my family has effectively held me hostage without a car.  I can have the bike delivered to the house.

As of this morning, I have lost 15.6 lbs.  It might actually be a little more because I hadn't yet gone to the bathroom when I weighed myself this morning.  I usually try to weigh myself AFTER I've gone to the bathroom and before I eat anything.  I am also ridiculously happy that I can wear the pants I'm wearing and not have a muffin top.  I also have a pair of jeans that I bought after the start of biggest loser that I can now pull up and down without ever unbuttoning them.

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