Monday, March 14, 2011

According to the gym scale this morning, I have lost 18.2 pounds.  I am actually semi-hopeful that I'll be down 20 lbs by Saturday weigh-in.  What this means is that I'm pretty much back to where I was before I broke my leg.  I am hoping to lose another 5 or 6 before I go to Florida for no particular reason at all. 

There's not a lot to report.  The time change has got me completely buggered as The Professor would say.  It hurt when the alarm went off at 5:00 and my body was saying, "No!  It's only 4:00!  Go back to sleep!"  I did, however, manage to drag my lazy behind up out of the bed and go to the gym for a 36 minute cardio.  Plus, I was really digging the fact that it was daylight at 6:30.  But, not anymore.  I'm thinking I'll really like the fact that it's daylight when I peddle home tonight.  However, I am so completely wiped out that I'm thinking about skipping my OA meeting tonight.  The only reason I'm even hesitating is because then I'll have to wait until Saturday for another meeting to come up.

My step-mother handled me telling her that basically I'll have to do all my own cooking while I'm there pretty well.  We'll see how my dad does with it.  I'm not saying I won't eat with the family.  I'm just going to eat my own food.  I had to go to Mom's yesterday for the twins' birthday party, and Mom just took it as a personal insult that I brought my own food.  She was like, "You're still on you're diet, but I cooked all this.... and who's going to eat all these carrots...." it just went on and on.  Like it's not hard enough to be there with all that food right in your face.  I think the twins had a nice birthday.  Although they did not like the birthday cake. 

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