Thursday, April 7, 2011

It Occurs To Me That I Haven't Updated For Awhile

Anyone who reads my other blog knows that my father passed away, so I was gone for a bit. I managed to make it through the trip to Florida without any major binges. I rented a bike while I was down there and rode at least 20 miles each day I was there. The day after my father's funeral, I participated in an organized bike event in which I rode 35 miles. It was actually 39 if you consider that I rode to/from the park. Do I have a point? Yes, I do. I somehow managed to not lose any weight while I was gone. I didn't bugger up my calories once while I was there. I ate the equivalent of a candy bar. ONE candy bar. Not once did I actually go over my calorie budget. The day of the big bicycle event I was more than 2000 calores below budget. Yet, I somehow didn't lose any weight. That pisses me off. Though it does occur to me that I should take what the scale said with a big grain of salt - 1) I weighed in at the end of the day when I usually weigh in the morning. That can make a few pounds of difference. 2) It's THAT time of the month. I don't usually gain a lot of weight during this week, but I do gain some. So, hopefully, I end up being down at least a little bit. Though by this time I was hoping to be a lot further down. Oh well.

On the day that I did the 35 mile Tour de Parks - as always the people closest to me thought I couldn't do it. It took about 2 1/2 hours to do it. I felt well enough to ride 20 miles along the intercoastal waterway the next morning. When I got home I was still breathing hard (and dripping in sweat). My sister was all, "Are you okay?" Because she has no concept that when you exercise you're supposed to breath hard. Then, because it was the day that I needed to return the rental bike to the shop, I asked her if she would pick me up at the bike shop after I rode it back. She said, "But, mom said you weren't going to be able to move today..." Insulting much? Anyway, I ended up having to load the bike into the trunk of her car and drive it back myself because God forbid she actually get up and do something.

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