Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I forgot to set my alarm last night, so I didn't wake up until 5:50 which is too late to go to the gym. I did, however, ride my bike to work today. I also took the bus down to the Community Services Board with a client, and then we walked the mile and a half back. Obviously, I will ride home when I get off tonight, so I will get some exercise. I did pack my shorts, so it is possible (but not likely) that I could go to the gym and do a short work out tonight. Tomorrow is the last weigh-in for Biggest Loser. I have accepted that I'm not going to win. But, at 26 lbs lost, I'm happy. Hopefully, the downward trend will continue.

I think I've mentioned that I want to get a new bike this summer, and I've been leaning heavily toward the Giant Roam. Well, I've been doing some reading. I haven't read anything bad about the Roam or anything. But, here's what I do want - something that I can conceivably ride for long distances. Really long distances. So, I've been wondering if what I want is a touring bike - inspite of the fact that they do not have front suspension, or straight handle bars. Someone finally explained to me that the reason road bike handle bars look like that is so that you can move your hands around on long rides. I'd already observed riding 35 miles on a Specialized Crosstrail that I lost the feeling in my hands. So, could I make friends with that style handle bar? I don't know. Also, from what I've read, touring bikes are very stable (as stable as my mountain bike?) because they're basically meant as beasts of burden. So, down at my favorite LBS they have not one, not two, but three Surly Long Haul Truckers which seems to be the ultimate touring bike. Alas, I am too damn tall to ride even one of them, and two of them are on reserve for a father and son who are riding across the country this summer. Since they are a Trek dealer, I am assuming there is a Trek 520 - also a touring bike - somewhere in the store. So, maybe I'll try one out and see how it feels. Also of concern, is the price. The Surly is $1100. I am assuming the Trek 520 is a similar cost. That's a lot of money - at least for me.

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