Wednesday, February 23, 2011

"How's your diet going?"  It was the first thing I heard when I got to work this morning.  I hear it a lot.  I get tired of it.  I'm not on a diet.  Diets have begininings and ends.  Diets are generally not sustainable long term.  That is why most diets fail and fail miserably.  What I'm doing is a permanent life style change.  By the grace of God, there will be no return to the way I ate before.

We were in Biggest Loser last night.  Mallory announced the top four after first weigh-in.  At first, I was upset because I'm not in the top four.  All of the top four have lost 20 lbs or more.  I've only lost ten so far.  But, thinking about it, I have lost the absolute most weight I could possibly lose and be healthy and safe.  Losing more would have meant serious crash dieting and possibly binging.  It would have meant excessive exercising which could have caused injuries, and I need more injuries like I need - well, more injuries.  So, I am comfortable with the weight I have lost - even if it means I don't win Biggest Loser. 


  1. i'm not sure how the "biggest loser" thing works. I hope it works out for you. I've lose nearly 100lbs and have been maintaining that since mid-december, but am aiming for the -100 eventually. I don't know how OA works either, but I freely admit that I had some dangerous relationships/behaviors with food. I know i'll fight that the rest of my life. I caught my issue before it turns into my daughter's issue, and that's one of the things i'm most proud of. People will fight you b/c a) they feel guilty b/c they SHOULD make changes too and b) they fear others are judging them. When I started my weight loss adventure (journey is so trite!) I took 2 friends with me. They were larger than I was and both have taken a few breaks, but they're still moving on down the weight loss line. My one friend has just started to get catty comments from thin people who never used to be catty. I had to explain to her that they're afraid of competition.

    We get used to labels "a" is the funny one "b" is the cute one "c" is the fat one "d" is the thin pretty one etc. And if "c" becomes the thin pretty one, then where is "d"? You really find out who your REAL friends are when you not only change your life, but you change it for GOOD.

    Also, as to the eating out, I had to learn fast to order everything special and send it BACK if it wasn't right. Do you follow a specific eating plan or just count calories? It can be hard to avoid triggers, but guess what? After a good length of time, you'll find that you can have JUST ONE pb cup and be happy with that. Now, you may NEVER be able to buy the discounted easter candy again, but it's okay to once a month buy one reeses cup and savor it like the special treat it is. Also, it's important to reward yourself for scale and non scale victories and mini goals along the way. When I weighed less than my driver's license stated, I bought myself frau-frau work-out shoes. I've run for at least an hour a day every day for the past month, so I'm getting myself 2 hours of new music for my mp3 player.

  2. Biggest Loser is a gym sponsored event to see who can lose the most weight. Twice a week we sit through classroom sessions on things like nutrition, exercise, what is a calorie, etc, and then spend another half hour having them show us different exercises and such.

    OA works pretty much the same as AA. We even use the AA Big Book and just substitute food and over eating for alcohol.
