Friday, February 25, 2011

Another Fight With My Sister

The cheesy chicken meatloaf was lacking something.  I can't quite say what.  I think whenever I make it again that I will 1) actually use Colby cheese and not mozzarella, 2) maybe add some garlic or onion.  I didn't put any salt in it because I assume the food industry had already taken care of that for me.

But, anyway, I was talking to my sister via IM, and I mentioned that the cheesy chicken meatloaf was missing someone.  She started in on how she is serious about beef in her meatloaf, and how turkey sausage has some seriously bad shit in it, and that her mother-in-law is always trying to push it on them.  I pointed out that the food industry also puts some seriously bad shit into beef.  I also think she was just venting the stress of having just had her mother-in-law down for a visit.  But, still..... not eating red meat is not a subject that is open for debate.  Accept it or not, but not accepting it doesn't change anything except cause stress between us.  Besides, I don't go to other people's houses and critique their food.  I may not eat it, but if they want to eat it, that's fine by me.

I am thinking that I might cook another meatloaf tomorrow and a quiche to cut up and put into the freezer for the upcoming week.  I spend way too much time online researching things that I can cook to put some variety in my diet.  There ain't but so much beans and rice, chicken and rice, fish and rice (see a trend here?) that I can eat.

I was a lazy slack this morning and didn't get up to go to the gym.  I am going to try and squeeze in a 24-30 minute cardio between leaving here and going to Ye Ol' Evil Part-time Job.  I wasn't even all that tired this morning, it was just KNOWING that I have to work until 11:00 tonight that made me want to stay in bed.

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